Information On Me

Name: Chilepanda (Real Name is a secret)

Age: 13

Height: 5'2

Hair: Strawberry Blonde, thick, wavy, shoulder length.

Typical Outfit: T-shirt, Jeans, Hoodie if cold, sneakers, and my Grandmother's bracelets.

Eye Color: Blue/Hazel

Favorite Color: Turquoise and Lime Green

Favorite Animal: Panda

Favorite Subject: Chinese

Favorite Books: TONS!

Favorite Sport: I like to watch football, I like to play lacrosse

My Close Friends (Talk to every day): Ciel, Anna, Keely, Shawn, James, Josh, Sarah, Jessica, Rachel, and Sai (Moved to Kentucky but I talk to on Facebook)

My Current Crush: Isaac Meuer (Slightly Bryce Bollinger?)