Saturday, October 29, 2011

Diary Entry #4

   This entry is gonna be short XP. I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm very worried about my family. My mother is currently working THREE jobs to try and keep us better afloat. I really wish my step-dad's company would take off already, because then he could work, and my mother could return to her first job. I feel like I should help in someway, but there's nothing I can do.

   Almost every time something other than food is spent on providing for me, I feel guilty. When I got my braces, I knew my mom and dad (they split the bill) could be using their money on other things. They also are using money to help me older brother stay in collage, but he does contribute since he has a job. My old sister also has a job, but she is still in high school. I don't think she's being very smart, honestly. She has packed her schedule to the brim, then complains about it when it's her fault.

   She also blows off a bunch of her money on things like shakes.  I feel that once I have a job, I will be much more careful with my money, store most of it away for something important. I want a job so I can help my parents pay the bills.

   XD So, that was kinda random, but I wanted to let it out. This is what I made this diary for after all, right? Here's the new picture:

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