Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Diary Entry #3

   Allo! Today for some odd reason, I got to leave school at like 12:30. Awesomeness! Well, nothing much of interest happened today, but I've been having some superstitions. Although let me say, for some reason, I think I looked better than usual today! Back to the point, I'm still having superstitions on if Isaac or Bryce likes me.

   It's totally understandable if they don't, because I'm most definitely not the prettiest birdie out there. However, I've notice little things that I take seriously. I don't know if it's because it's true, or maybe I'm just desperate for it to be, but I still notice them. 

   Like, yesterday in Honors U.S. History, I glanced at Bryce in his group to see he was doing the same thing as me. When I think about it now, it sounds totally stupid. However, today in Science, he seemed totally fixed on me, and in Language Arts he glanced at me after saying something funny, as if to see that I had laughed. I have seen Isaac glance at me once or twice, but that was last school year.

   I've caught Isaac's twin brother's eye quite a bit last year. It was like anytime I was in the same room I noticed. The thing is, he's almost the opposite of Isaac. He is still very cute, and plays guitar, but I've heard he is full of himself, and disobey's our religion quite a bit. (He's supposed to be Mormon.)
   Anyways, I was kinda excited for no reason today, especially on the way home. That's all I've got to say for now, I'll come back later if anything major happens. Here's me!