Monday, October 24, 2011

Diary Entry #1

Dear Diary,
   First off, welcome to my world! I'm sure you'll have plenty of fun as I type every day! I sometimes have interesting adventures at school. I hope my blogger friends enjoy reading my entries!

   Anyways, now to entries. To get things started, I must list my schedule this semester:
1st: Gym
2nd: Chinese
3rd: Math Core 8
4th: Honors English
5th: Honors U.S History
6th: Science 8
7th: Health

   So with that  out of the way, I may tell you my day. Everything seemed rather normal, until my stomach started KILLING me. I knew I couldn't be hungry, and it couldn't be a cramp since it wasn't that "time of         month", so I figured maybe I just needed to use the restroom (which I did). But it still hurt. At the bus stop and on the bus, I was in so much pain I wouldn't talk to Evan, Ciel, James, or Josh. Once I got to school, I crossed the street to the Rec. Center for swimming. I was worried that my stomach issues would prevent me from doing the swimming laps. But for some magical reason, it stopped hurting when I got in the water. 

   Nothing much else happened until 3rd period, where Mr. Tominaga was once again lecturing us on practically how stupid we are. I only missed three questions on the test, but he's all "Only Winston and Daesha did well since they got 100!" The thing is, Math is hard for me because I'm not good at it :P and my district decided to change up the Math Cores, forcing me to skip an entire years worth of Math that I needed. It really sucks. After that, again, nothing else until lunch. 

   I had just finished eating, but I was having trouble swallowing my last bite. It felt like when your eating something dry without taking a break to drink anything, and it kinda sits there in your throat. I didn't ask for help because I could still breath, but it hurt to. Then I guess it hit my Uvula or something, because I had a sudden urge to throw up. I kinda stole my friends water to chug it down eventually. XP

   And that's all of the major events. I know leave you with a picture of me and my BFF Anna that I edited with Picnik on Facebook. Farewell!


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