Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Diary Entry #2

   Salutations! Second day on the job! Well, I have made a slight detour, since my day wasn't all that interesting. I decided to talk about my CRUSH! Yup, now you can know everything I know about him. My crush is Isaac Meuer. I HAVE NEVER HAD SUCH A MAJOR CRUSH ON ANYONE BEFORE!

   First we can talk about his wonderful looks! He's about 5'8 (guess), with short, slightly curly, tussled black hair. He is really fit too! I can't really describe his face, but he has these deep, green eyes (or maybe blue? Having a brain fart!) I could stare into ALL DAY! Every time I see him pass by on my way to 3rd period, I could just die. :P

   Now for EVERYTHING else. He is so incredibly nice, as far as I've known anyway. He's also smart, athletic, and fun! Plus, he happens to be a Mormon like me! (It's kinda creepy how much I know, but it's my friend Shawn's fault) He seems like the most perfect person EVER!!!

   I know I like him too, it's a definite fact. No second thoughts. Anytime I hear anything about him, my heart literally pumps faster. When my sister was doing mix it up day at school, she told me she went to my language arts/history class during the class after mine, which is what Isaac is in. She told me that he and his friends said I was awesome, after she told them I was so short. XP

   Especially when I talk to him! I have no idea how I keep my cool in those few moments! I wonder how it isn't obvious. :3 I don't go out of my way to talk, or say hi, or compliment anything, because I'm afraid that will give me away. I only do it ways that seem natural, like when we happened to be next to each other on our way up the stairs. I said hi, and he talked to me! :D :D

   But there is just one problem with this fantasy I've formed in my inner mechanisms of my mind. I've heard that Isaac has a crush on my good friend June. I tell myself that I don't care, but I think I do. I feel crushed, actually. What hurts me the most is that he has every reason to. June is more popular, and prettier, than I. (Even though I'm much more popular than I thought) I'm a little on the stout side, and I'm shy. I can only really be funny sometimes... so I don't see why he should like me.

   Another thing is I'm having suspicions of someone that may like me, or that I may like the slightest. This guy is in like 4 of my classes. His name is Bryce Bollinger. He also rather cute, and funny, and nice, and athletic, and smart...... UGH! Love is hard XP. Anyways, I need to figure this out before my brain fries. I leave you with another picture I find amusing. Peace!


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